Словарь молодежного слэнга
значение (2): Уточнение:
1. Ты че сказал?
2. Не понял, ты ЧТО?
Распространённая ошибка считать эту фразу позитивной и дружелюбно настроенной, думая, что переводится она как «Ты как, приятель?/Как дела?».
На самом деле несет совершенно другой эмоциональный окрас.
Удивление, непонимание и даже шок.
Пример употребления.
— I hate dota 2 and all video games.
— U WOT M8??
— Я не ненавижу дота 2 и все видео игры.
— Не понял, ты ЧТО? (bbq,Rzn)
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«U WOT M8» is a shorthand for «You what, mate?» which is a colloquialism used by English speakers in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. It is typically used in response to an incoherent proposition put forth by someone else, along the similar lines of «what did you just say?» or wat or what is this. Alternatively, the phrase can be used devoid of any context to confuse anyone that is unfamiliar with the expression.
According to Urban Dictionary [13] , «U WOT» is the phonetic transcription of the interjectory «you what?» used as an angry retort to a bad news. Mate [12] , when used as a noun, is a colloquial term mainly used in the United Kingdom and Australia as a friendly form of address among men, with its earliest documentation found in a Middle English manuscript named Sir Ferumbras dating to circa 1380. Its l33t-style shorthand form «M8» has been used in IRC channels and instant messaging since the 1990s. Its online use as a shorter way of saying mate was first noted via Urban Dictionary [5] in November 2002.
Throughout the 2000s, «You what, mate?» and its variants like «WTF, mate?» and «what is this mate?» were frequently used as a retort in various forum discussions, such as this SEGA forum thread [3] about funny screenshots (shown below) dated June 2005. In the thread, another forum user remarked on the use of «U WOT M8» as funny.
In February 2006, an Urban Dictionary [6] entry was submitted for «WITM8,» a shorthand for the phrase «what is this, mate?» That same year, another notable variation «WTF, mate?» became quite popular after it was featured in the viral YouTube animation video titled «End Of Ze World».
Martin’s Image Macro
Sometime in 2011, the expression «U WOT M8» was adopted into an advice-animal style reaction image featuring an image of the confounded looking teenager Martin Keating. The source of the picture comes from one of the BBC northwest broadcast(seen above).
The site of origin macro remain sketchy, the reaction image has been embraced by several imageboard communities including 4chan [2] [11] , 7chan [10] and Britf.ags [9] among others.
Usage on Facebook
On Facebook, the phrase «U WOT M8» has been increasingly used in the absence of proper context in order to deliberately confuse other English-speaking users unfamiliar with the colloquialism. There are numerous Facebook pages containing «U WOT M8» in their titles, like «Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so U WOT M8» and «My Little Pony (Friendship is U WOT M8)» among others. As it is often the case with online catchphrases, the confusion driven by the geolinguistic differences only amplified the popularity of the meme.
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1. Ты че сказал?
2. Не понял, ты ЧТО?
Распространённая ошибка считать эту фразу позитивной и дружелюбно настроенной, думая, что переводится она как «Ты как, приятель?/Как дела?».
На самом деле несет совершенно другой эмоциональный окрас.
Удивление, непонимание и даже шок.
Пример употребления.
— I hate dota 2 and all video games.
— U WOT M8??
— Я не ненавижу дота 2 и все видео игры.
— Не понял, ты ЧТО? (bbq,Rzn)
What is U WOT M8?
A statement indicating extreme offense, also written in such a way as to give the impression of the phrase being pronounced with a British accent.
What does «U WOT M8» mean?
A word that chavs use
Instead of saying «what did you say?»
Chavs go «u wot m8?»
Sometimes they just say «u wot?»
U WOT M8 — what does it mean?
U WOT M8 — meaning
The phrase in which you say when either you have absolutely no idea what someone is talking about.
Only able to be used written down or in a text message
U WOT M8 — definition
»text» speak for »you what, mate?»; which is stereotypically used around the UK (specifically Newcastle and Liverpool). This phrase is usually used within Dolan comics, for its grammatical inaccuracy and confrontational tone
U WOT M8 — slang
It is a term that British people use. People outside of the UK think it sounds ridiculous, so the modern stereotype or newfag would think that British people have very poor grammar. It basically means, «You What Mate». Those 3 words don’t even make a proper sentence, therefore it is a funny thing to say and a way to make fun of Brits’
»U Wot M8» or »You Wot Mate» is usually used when a person doesnt hear what the other person is saying, it also can be used in arguments or before a fight which is spoke in a quick aggressive manner, the term »You Wot Mate» has been around since the early 90’s and the term has recently confused Americans as expected.
Your mums a slag.
U Wot M8? you wanna a fucking slap?
U Wot M8 is just text slang for ‘ You what mate?’ — a confrontational phrase used mainly in Northern England. Normally in response to another confrontational phrase — see example below. It does make sense though is abbreviated, it is a shortened of «YOU are going to do WHAT, MATE?» Mate being the obvious indicator that there is trouble afoot. This abbreviation is probably the cause of much confusion to the American audience since they have similar difficulty with ‘half two’ meaning half past two (not one or one thirty like some of the common guesses).
short word for mlg (major league gaming) the meaning is «you what, mate» which is a colloquialism used by English speakers in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.