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Что происходит в бравл старсе

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Brawl Stars — 30 июн. 2023 г.

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Brawl Stars — 12 июн. 2023 г.

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Brawl Stars — 5 июн. 2023 г.

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Brawl Stars — 28 апр. 2023 г.

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Brawl Stars — 17 апр. 2023 г.

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Brawl Stars — 3 апр. 2023 г.

Mobile Gamer Image

Supercell dodged ‘the great resignation’, but it’s doubling down on staff wellbeing anyway

“We work with a company who did a whole bunch of training to increase awareness of mental health and also reduce the stigma,” says Mansford. “If people aren’t talking about it, then that’s a problem in itself.” Staff can ask to be trained like mental health first aiders under a program called ‘Jedis of the mind’, and in Helsinki there’s a psychologist on-site twice a week. There are a raft of other training and online resources for staff who want to learn more in a less public way as well.

Pocket Gamer Image

Supercell talks breaking the mould of puzzle games with Clash Quest

"In my experience, whenever you change some design fundamentals, the whole game needs to be built in a different way. I don’t think many players will notice these differences, but they can have a big impact on how the game needs to be built.”

Venturebeat Image

Supercell CEO thrives on trusting the instincts of game developers

Our threshold for releasing anything to beta should be low, but our bar for releasing anything globally should be high. But one way to fail as a company would be you paralyze yourself. Nothing is ever good enough and you don’t put anything out. One thing we fundamentally believe in is that how we ultimately achieve the best quality is we learn as quickly as possible. If you never ship anything to real players, you never learn, and you never achieve ultimate quality.

Gamasutra Image

Less management, more success — Inside Supercell's upside-down organization

There is no greenlight process from management, no milestone meetings where teams need to justify their project’s existence to finance. Teams can kill their games and move on if deemed necessary. All creative decisions are up to the teams. So the role of management in an upside structure? Build great teams, and support them in their efforts in order to facilitate their success.

Gamesindustry Image

What happens when you turn a studio upside down?

"I kept looking for approval. I kept going, 'Well, if I tell the game lead and he says it's okay then maybe it's okay,' and he was just like, 'Ah, do whatever, it's fine.' So I said, 'Well if I talk to 50% of the people on the team and they all say it's fine,' and I kept looking. 'What is the threshold for this is okay to do?' And the answer was, 'If you think it's the right thing to do, then do it, but also own it if it ends up being wrong.'"

Gamesindustry Image

Trust Games

It all starts from trust. If the team's working independently, it can't work without trust. That trust needs to be mutual. The management needs to trust their developers to make great games, but the developers also need to trust the management to have their backs. If developers are afraid of failing because there will be consequences, then they won't take risks.

Gamesindustry Image

Success and sustainability at Supercell

"Gaming is a creative business, and it's not about the hours you put in. Of course, sometimes you need to put in long hours, and the Brawl Stars team has been working super hard over the last two months. But that can't be the de facto way of working. Sometimes it can happen, but it can't be a rule. We're in a creative business and I just can't believe that people would come up with creative ideas if they're really, really tired or at risk of being burned out.”

The Verge Image

Brawl Stars is nearing its global launch

Development on Brawl Stars began around four years ago, and according to Jon Franzas, a designer and programmer who initially served as the project lead, it changed a lot over that time. “As a company we don’t have so much experience with this type of game,” Franzas explains. “So we wanted to launch it very early, in a very raw and unfinished state.”

Mobile Gamer Image

Supercell dodged ‘the great resignation’, but it’s doubling down on staff wellbeing anyway

“We work with a company who did a whole bunch of training to increase awareness of mental health and also reduce the stigma,” says Mansford. “If people aren’t talking about it, then that’s a problem in itself.” Staff can ask to be trained like mental health first aiders under a program called ‘Jedis of the mind’, and in Helsinki there’s a psychologist on-site twice a week. There are a raft of other training and online resources for staff who want to learn more in a less public way as well.

Pocket Gamer Image

Supercell talks breaking the mould of puzzle games with Clash Quest

"In my experience, whenever you change some design fundamentals, the whole game needs to be built in a different way. I don’t think many players will notice these differences, but they can have a big impact on how the game needs to be built.”

Venturebeat Image

Supercell CEO thrives on trusting the instincts of game developers

Our threshold for releasing anything to beta should be low, but our bar for releasing anything globally should be high. But one way to fail as a company would be you paralyze yourself. Nothing is ever good enough and you don’t put anything out. One thing we fundamentally believe in is that how we ultimately achieve the best quality is we learn as quickly as possible. If you never ship anything to real players, you never learn, and you never achieve ultimate quality.

Gamasutra Image

Less management, more success — Inside Supercell's upside-down organization

There is no greenlight process from management, no milestone meetings where teams need to justify their project’s existence to finance. Teams can kill their games and move on if deemed necessary. All creative decisions are up to the teams. So the role of management in an upside structure? Build great teams, and support them in their efforts in order to facilitate their success.

Gamesindustry Image

What happens when you turn a studio upside down?

"I kept looking for approval. I kept going, 'Well, if I tell the game lead and he says it's okay then maybe it's okay,' and he was just like, 'Ah, do whatever, it's fine.' So I said, 'Well if I talk to 50% of the people on the team and they all say it's fine,' and I kept looking. 'What is the threshold for this is okay to do?' And the answer was, 'If you think it's the right thing to do, then do it, but also own it if it ends up being wrong.'"

Gamesindustry Image

Trust Games

It all starts from trust. If the team's working independently, it can't work without trust. That trust needs to be mutual. The management needs to trust their developers to make great games, but the developers also need to trust the management to have their backs. If developers are afraid of failing because there will be consequences, then they won't take risks.

Gamesindustry Image

Success and sustainability at Supercell

"Gaming is a creative business, and it's not about the hours you put in. Of course, sometimes you need to put in long hours, and the Brawl Stars team has been working super hard over the last two months. But that can't be the de facto way of working. Sometimes it can happen, but it can't be a rule. We're in a creative business and I just can't believe that people would come up with creative ideas if they're really, really tired or at risk of being burned out.”

The Verge Image

Brawl Stars is nearing its global launch

Development on Brawl Stars began around four years ago, and according to Jon Franzas, a designer and programmer who initially served as the project lead, it changed a lot over that time. “As a company we don’t have so much experience with this type of game,” Franzas explains. “So we wanted to launch it very early, in a very raw and unfinished state.”

Что происходит в бравл старсе

Официальный Телеграм канал игры Brawl Stars

Быстрый бой 3 на 3 или бои за выживание �� Собирай крутых Бойцов �� Вступай с друзьями в Арену и побеждай! ������


Чемпионат Brawl Stars возвращается!��
Первое Испытание Чемпионата стартует завтра до субботы ��

Соберите своих напарников и приготовьтесь к сражению!��

Сегодня стартует Группа А — Game.Tv Brawl Stars CIS League! ��

Нас ждут эпические столкновения! ��

��Комментировать матчи будут Skiller и Papahell

Как выглядит идеальная боевая стойка для вашего любимого бойца? ��

Стойка журавля с шарфом была обязательна ��

Кто сказал, что у машин не может быть чувств? ��

С праздником Святого Валентина #BrawlentinesDay ��

Смотрите "My Sweet Brawlentine", историю с Рико!���� https://youtu.be/B38eWbSuSiM

Он начинает в себя верить ��.

И это означает, что Фэнг теперь может блокировать урон с помощью своей новой Звездной Силы! ��

Уже в поиске следующего челенджа? ��

Напишите нам, как ваш любимый бравлер уходит с поля боя?!

Не готовился, чтобы победить = готовился проиграть

Как бравлеры готовятся к поединку?��

Дуэли доступны в игре уже давно.

Какие лучшие комбинации для победы?��


Исправляем несколько багов в обновлении ��

Не волнуйтесь, скины #Биокупол в безопасности ��

Из-за беспокойства о наших участниках, ежемесячные финалы и отборочные турниры в странах региона ЕЕСА откладываются до дальнейшего уведомления. #BSC2022 #ЧБС2022

Результаты отборочных за февраль все еще остаются в силе и будут перенесены на момент, когда соревнование сможет возобновиться.

Те из Вас, кто хочет поддержать усилия по оказанию чрезвычайной помощи, пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нам по ссылке supr.cl/donate

Друзья, хочу напомнить, что все игроки могут следить за играми любых регионов ��Чемпионата Бравл Старс 2022 и зарабатывать месячные награды на сайте https://event.brawlstars.com/ru/

Там же можно увидеть ��расписание будущих финалов.

ЧаВо: Да, у вас есть возможность ��копить ваши баллы смотря разные регионы. Количество баллов ограничено только месячным максимумом.

�� = ��

Ева и ее детишки прибывают завтра!
Встречайте с миром на 30 уровне #Биокупола!

Что происходит в бравл старсе

Зрителей: 438 , подписчиков:· 3,1 млн

mastery grind again

Pain League !discord



Brawl Talk 2023 в Brawl Stars (Nulls Brawl)

Перед очередным обновлением Brawl Stars 25 феврался 2023 года на официальном YouTube канале выходит ролик, в котором нас знакомят с нововведениями в игре.

Обновление Brawl Stars — 19 сезон

Все конечно же ждут нового бойца, и он есть! Ведь в каждом обновлении разработчики знакомят нас с бравлерами. А еще новые карты, скины и режим игры – Охотники.

новые скины

Пример нового бойца!

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