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Сколько всего скиллов в доте

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Скилы Дота 2

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Что представляют собой скилы в Dota 2?

Что представляют собой скилы в Dota 2?

Скилами в доте называют уникальные способности, которые могут прокачиваться как у героев, так и у крипов. В зависимости от принципа своего действия скил может быть активным, пассивным или авто-применяемым. Сегодня в доте представлено огромное количество скилов, начиная от простых пассивок, заканчивая огромными взрывами, способными в миг уничтожить всю вражескую команду. Всего персонаж может изучить четыре или более скила, один из которых является ультимативным.

Виды скилов

Что представляют собой скилы в Dota 2?

Как говорилось выше, способности бывают:

  1. Активные. Активные скилы игрок использует вручную. Таких способностей в игре больше всего. Использование активных скилов в большинстве случаев требует маны, а сами они имеют перезарядку. Кроме этого, они могут иметь прицеливание. В таких случаях чтобы использовать способность необходимо сначала нажать на неё (на иконку или на соответствующую клавишу), а затем выбрать цель для её использования. Активная способность также может быть прерываемой. Это значит, что её использование может быть в любой прервано, как по желанию самого игрока (достаточно совершить любое действие или нажать клавишу отмены действия), так и по вене вражеского персонажа (например, если он даст стан).
  2. Пассивные. Активация пассивных способностей происходит сразу после их изучения. Они могут оказывать воздействие как на самого персонажа, так и создавать вокруг него ауру. Использовать вручную пассивки нельзя, поэтому после изучения такого скила интерфейс его иконки не меняется.
  3. Авто-применяемые. Использовать скилы такого типа игрок может как вручную, так и в автоматическом режиме. Большая часть таких способностей является уникальными модификаторами атаки. Когда функция авто-применения включена, способность используется сама. Например, включить функцию авто-применения можно на скиле траксы Frost Arrows. После этого персонаж начнёт стрелять по врагам только ледяными стрелами (пока не закончится мана).

Многие игроки считают, что самыми полезными в бою являются активные способности. Однако они не совсем правы. Та же аура или замедление от ледяных стрел траксы могут сыграть решающую роль в поединке.

Улучшение скилов

Что представляют собой скилы в Dota 2?

Каждый раз, когда уровень персонажа увеличивается, он получает очко навыка, с помощью которого можно улучшить уже изученную или изучить новую способность. В самом начале игры герой получает одно такое очко, что позволяет игроку ещё до выхода на линию изучить способность. Неизученность способности не могут использоваться или оказывать какой-либо эффект. Уже изученные способности можно улучшать: обычные до 4-но уровня, а ультимативную до 3-го.

С каждым улучшением пособничать будет становиться сильнее. Это может проявляться в увеличении урона скила, снижении перезарядки, увеличении длительности эффекта и т. п.

В некоторых случаях после улучшения может увеличиваться количество маны, необходимое для использования способности. Например, такое можно наблюдать у шейкера с его способностью Fissure. Однако вместе с количеством маны будет повышаться и урон скила, а также длительность оглушения от него.

Ультимативные способности

Что представляют собой скилы в Dota 2?

К улучшению способностей выдвигается ряд требований. Для того, чтобы улучшить способность, которая уже была изучена, придётся поднять свой уровень 2 раза (то же самое и с последующими улучшениями). Улучшать ультимативную способность можно каждые 6 уровней.

В случае с ультимейтами есть исключения. Например, ульта инвокера прокачивается автоматически с 1-но уровня и не требует тратить на улучшение очки навыка. Интересная ситуация и с ультой мипо: её можно начать изучать с 3-го уровня.

Типы прицеливания

Что представляют собой скилы в Dota 2?

Активные и авто-применяемые способности могут обладать разным типом прицеливания. Исходя из этого скилы бывают:

  1. Ненаправленные. Такие скилы начинают срабатывать сразу после прожатия соответствующей клавиши (или иконки способности). В большинстве случаев они применяются моментально, однако есть исключения (например, Enchant Totem шейкера). Используются такие способности обычно на самого героя или на область, которая находится рядом с ним.
  2. Направленные на точку/область. Перед использованием такой способности игроку необходимо выбрать точку или область, где она и будет применяться. В случае с точкой курсор при прицеливании примет форму перекрестия, а случае с областью — форму круга, размеры которого будут зависеть от области применения скила.
  3. Направленные на юнита. Скилы данного типа используются на отдельных юнитов. Как правило, они оказывают воздействие на самого юнита или на область вокруг него. От некоторых скилов с таким типом прицеливания можно увернуться.

Некоторые скилы могут сочетать в себе сразу два типа прицеливания. Например, использоваться и на точку и на юнита (например, Spectral Dagger у спектры).

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List of all Dota 2 Global Abilities (COMBOS) + Best AOE Spells

All of the Dota 2 global abilities in one list, these spells are perfect for combos and tactics if you play a party match. Pick some of these global spells together and stomp your enemies! Also the best AOE spells of Dota 2 are listed for nice combos! ��

All Dota 2 Global Hero Abilities:

Hero Name Spell Name Damage/Heal Cool down Aghanims
Zeus Thundergod’s Wrath 225/ 325/ 425 90 Create’s Nimbus which deal with damage in an AOE.
Spectre Haunt Haunt Illusions, damage 40%/ 60%/ 80% 180/ 150/ 120 Can perform Haunt on a single enemy
Nature’s Prophet Wrath of Nature Damage Bounces of the Wind 110/ 140/ 170 60 Damage Increase, Treant spawns on unit and hero kill
Centaur Warruner Stampede Strength Multiplier Damage 1/2/3 110/ 100/ 90 Increases 40% damage reduction
Night Stalker Dark Ascension Bonus Damage 50/ 100/ 150 140/ 130/ 120 No effect on Dark Ascension
Omni Knight Guardians Angel Immunity from physical damage 160/ 150/ 140 Applies globally and increases HP regeneration by 40
Mirana Moonlight Shadow Allies get invisible, Fade Delay 2.5/ 2/ 1.5 140/ 120/ 100 No effect on Moonlight Shadow
Silencer Global Silence Silence 4.5/ 5.25/ 6 130 No effect on Global Silence
Chen Hand of God 250/ 425/ 600 160/ 140/ 120 Large Cooldown Reduction

For super strong tactics checkout the Dota 2 hero combo page.

Spells that get Global trough Talent Tree:

Invoker Mega Sunstrike

Hero Name Spell Name Required Talent Tree Level
Invoker Sun Strike automatically on every enemy Level 25
Sky Wrath Mage Concussive Shot global Level 20
Gyrocopter Call Down (Ultimate) global Level 25

Super High Range Dota 2 Spells:

Hero Name Spell Name Damage/Heal Cool down Aghanims
Pudge Meat Hook Damage 150/ 220/ 290/ 360 27/ 22/ 17/ 12 No effect on Meat Hook
Clockwerk Rocket Flare Damage 80/ 120/ 160/ 200 20/ 18/ 16/ 14 No effect on Rocket Flare
IO Relocate Teleport Allie/ itself 90/ 75/ 60 No effect on Relocate
Spirit Breaker Charge of Darkness Charges a hero, stun duration 1.2/ 1.6 / 2/ 2.4 11 No effect on Charge of Darkness
UnderLord Draft Rift Teleports Radius 600 130/ 120/ 110 No effect on Draft Rift
Gyrocopter Call Down One Missile Damage 150/ 250/ 350, second missile damage 100/ 150/200 55/ 50/ 45 No effect on call down but on level 25 talent tree it makes call down global
Meepo Poof Teleports control unit and deals damage 70/ 90/ 110/ 130 12/ 10/ 8/ 6 No effect on Poof
Templar Assassin Poison Trap Damage 250/ 300/ 350 11/ 8/ 5 Can Teleport on any Poison Trap
Ancient Apparition Ice Blast Damage Per Second
12.5/ 20/ 32
40 Increases Ice Blast Duration: 17

Top 10 Dota 2 AOE Abilities:

Hero Name Spell Name Damage/Heal Cool down Aghanims
Axe Berserker’s Call Forces enemy and Bonus Armor 16/ 14/ 12/ 10 No effect of Aghanims but level 25 tree can increase +100 AOE
Earth Shaker Echo Slam Damage per unit 70/ 90/ 110 150/ 130/ 110 No effect on Echo Slam
Kunkka Ghost Ship Damage 400/ 500/ 600 60/ 50/ 40 Drags enemy with the ship
Mars Arena of Blood Damage 120/ 185/ 250 90/ 75/ 60 Decreases cooldown of God’s rebuke
TideHunter Ravage Damage 200/ 300/ 400 150 No effect on Ravage
Monkey King Wukong’s Command Bonus armor 12/ 18/ 24 130/ 110/ 90 No effect on Wukong’s Command
Keeper of the Light Will-O-Wisp Attracts enemy in radius 120 No effect on Will-O-Wisp
Outworld Devourer Sanity’s Eclipse Intelligence Damage Multiplier 8/ 9/ 10 160 No effect on Sanity’s Eclipse
Sky Wrath Mage Mystic Flare Damage 700/ 1150/ 1600 60/ 40/ 20 Cast one more Mystic Flare at a nearby random area.
Ancient Apparition Ice Blast Damage Per Second

What are global and AEO abilities in Dota 2?

Global Abilities Dota 2

Each hero in Dota 2 has unique spells and every single spell has a high potential if used perfectly. In Dota 2 two abilitiy types exist: active and passive. Active abilities require instruction from the player and passive abilities work on its own.

Global abilities are rare abilities, and only a few heroes acquire it in Dota 2. It means that the full Dota 2 map is somehow effected. Global spells do not have a range limit. For example, the Zeus ulti damages all of the 5 enemy heroes with a lightning bolt out of the sky no matter where they are. They get instantly shot and are made visible on the map. Global abilities are special abilities and often the ultimate spell of a hero.

Dota 2 AOE Spells

AOE Abilities are abilities that can affect an area of effect instead of one single target. These spells also can kill multiple enemies at the same time. If a few AOE spells are combined together it can destroy a full enemy team. Check out the table above to find good synergies for your party.

What are the famous Global Combos in Dota 2?

  • Dota Combo 1: Offensive Damage Team: The most famous combo in Dota 2 is to use all of the global spells at the same time and is called the Dota 2 Global Killer Tactic. It requires Zeus ulti, Spectre ulti, and Nature’s Prophet ulti. This means a huge damage output in seconds and Spectre can hunt down low hp enemies. Super effective in matchups with low hp enemies.
  • Dota Combo 2: Protective Global Team: Wait for the team fight and if it starts, use the global Omni Knight ultimate, when it is nearly over, activate the Silencer ultimate and all enemies will have serious problems. Meanwhile, you can use Chen ultimate for the heal and Centaur ultimate to escape in the end. If done well this combination could possibly safe anyone in a fight.

What are your favorite hero combinations? Write a comment below! ��

How to increase the cast range of spells in Dota 2?

Dota 2 has multiple features through which players can increase the cast range of hero abilities.

Many heroes have an increased cast range or increased AOE cast range trough the Dota 2 Talent Tree. Also the item Aether lens increases the cast range of 80% of the spells by 250. It requires two items and one recipe to build this item: Energy Booster + Void stone + Recipe. Aether lens is commonly used on support heroes. Below is the list of heroes on which Aether Lens affects a lot.

Long Pudge Hook

  • On Pudge, it gives a massive boost to Meat Hook and Pudge can also use its Ulti from a range.
  • Rubick can steal spells from a larger distance. Moreover, the range of Telekinesis and Fade Bolt also increases.
  • Ogre Magi can use his Fireblast to stun the enemy by even staying out of its range.
  • Nyx Assassin has good movement speed while being in its Vendetta form with Aether lens the range of its impale spikes will get longer. It can stun multiple enemies at the same time.
  • Lion has four active abilities, and Aether lens improves all of them. He can become a high range stunner, nuker and attacker.
  • Skywrath Mage is a dominating hero for players that have fast hands. They can make their enemy suffer by using Aether lens. Combo: Ancient Seal + Concussive Shots + Ancient Seal + Arcane Bolt = The Enemy hero is dead as hell. ��

When is the Best Time to use AOE Spells in Dota 2?

AOE spells are meant to be in Dota 2 to affect enemies in an area. Most AOE spells are stronger than usual spells as well as they are also harder to use. AOE spells consume more mana than usual spells and most of the time have a high cooldown. It is efficient to use AOE spells in an area where more than two enemies are standing or a lot of creeps are involved.

The perfect moment to use AOE spells requires teamplay. One player should always use active spells to gather enemies to one area, like Darkseer’s Vacuum or Magnus Reverse Polarity Ultimate. That allows to even hit 5 enemy heroes at the same time and can make tremendous damage to win the game!

A strong beneficial example of AOE Spell heroes is Lion. After getting Aghanim’s Spectre you can use Lion’s Ulti in an area. Each death with Ulti gives 1 charge and each charge adds 40 damage to the Ulti. If you have Enigma or Magnus in your team and they can successfully capture all the enemy heroes. This is the perfect time to get a Rampage in just one hit trough AOE spells.

To find the perfect hero for your playstyle, checkout the Dota 2 role guides:

Every spell in Dota is useful, and the main thing is how you use it. Train hard and use nice Dota 2 hero combos together – it’s fun! ��


Dual Breath icon

are unique skills that heroes and creeps have access to on the battlefield. They range from simple passive effects, to devastating explosions of energy, to complex, terrain changing feats. All heroes have four or more abilities, three or more basic abilities and an ultimate ability, that they can assign ability points to every time they level up. Every level in an ability makes it more powerful, sometimes increasing its mana cost as well.

Abilities can consume mana, and may also be placed on cooldown when used. Abilities that are on cooldown cannot be used until their cooldown timer is up, at which point they can be cast again. Abilities with low cooldowns are sometimes referred to as «spammable» abilities, because they can be used very frequently.


Upgrading Abilities [ | ]

Ability levels for most heroes
Ability level Hero level for
regular ability
Hero level for
1 1 6
2 3 12
3 5 18
4 7
5 9
6 11
7 13

Every time a hero levels up, they earn an ability point, until their abilities are fully upgraded. The player can then spend the point to unlock one of the hero’s abilities, or to upgrade an already learned ability. At the start of the game, all of a hero’s abilities are locked, but they each start with one ability point which can be used at any time. Abilities cannot be used and do not have any effect if they are still locked. After an ability is unlocked, it can be upgraded several times. Basic abilities can be upgraded 3 more times, for a total of 4 levels, and a hero’s ultimate ability can be upgraded 2 times, for a total of 3 levels at hero level 6/12/18.

The exceptions to this are:

Upgrading abilities will make them more effective. Depending on the ability, upgrading the ability may increase the amount of damage, increase the duration of an ongoing effect such as a disable, or otherwise improve the ability.

Sometimes, upgrading abilities will also increase or decrease the mana cost. For example, each level in Earthshaker minimap icon Earthshaker ‘s Fissure icon Fissure increases the damage it deals and the duration of its stun, but also increases its mana cost.

Besides directly leveling abilities, there are a few other ways to make abilities more powerful. Spell Amplification is a mechanic which increases the amount of damage of abilities slightly. Aghanim Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim Aghanim’s Shard are special items which can enhance each hero in a unique way. Depending on the hero, it may enhance the power of their ultimate ability, improve one or more basic abilities, or in some cases, Aghanim’s Scepter or Aghanim’s Shard even grants an entire new ability.

Some heroes also have an ability that improves their other abilities further. For example, Ogre Magi minimap icon Ogre Magi ‘s Multicast icon Multicast makes his other 3 abilities more powerful.

Basic Abilities [ | ]

Basic abilities can be upgraded to a new level once every 2 levels. This means that a level 2 hero cannot upgrade a learned basic ability to level 2. Every 2 levels, a hero increases his maximum basic ability level by 1. Ultimate abilities can only be upgraded every 6 levels, starting from level 6. These ultimate abilities are usually more powerful than a hero’s basic abilities.

Ultimates [ | ]

A hero’s last ability, which can usually be trained at level 6, level 12, and level 18, is called an ultimate. There is only one exception to this level restriction: Meepo minimap icon Meepo ‘s Divided We Stand icon Divided We Stand , which can instead be upgraded at levels 4, 11, and 18.

Ultimates can be high-impact abilities that define a hero’s strengths and playstyle; they often have a devastating effect and a long cooldown. In some cases however, they are not the main strength, but just synergize very well when combined with the other abilities. Some ultimates have a lower effect but are spammable due to a relatively short cooldown. Ultimate abilities can also be passive abilities.

Ultimates, unlike normal abilities, are usually able to target a unit under a spell immunity effect, such as Black King Bar icon Black King Bar . They will rarely damage such a unit, but other effects such as slows or stun will usually apply. This makes ultimates, especially those with stun effects, incredibly powerful, since enemy heroes cannot block the effects.

Sub-abilities [ | ]

Some abilities comes together with sub-abilities. These extra abilities usually do nothing on their own and mostly are only active after the ability they come with was cast first, or in some cases, they serve as a set-up for other abilities.

Their tasks range from activating the effects of other abilities on demand, manipulate abilities or even fully cancel them when desired. Usually, these abilities are innate, or are unlocked after learning specific abilities.

Since these abilities usually have a very low or no cooldown at all, they usually do not trigger abilities which react on ability usage, like Magic Wand icon Magic Wand -based items’ charge gain or Arcane Curse icon Arcane Curse ‘s per ability cast penalty. Sub-abilities are automatically acquired with Spell Steal icon Spell Steal or Morph icon Morph together with the main ability. If the caster does not have the required item (e.g. Aghanim Aghanim’s Scepter or Aghanim Aghanim’s Shard ) for unlocking the sub-ability, the sub-ability does nothing.

Innate Abilities [ | ]

All heroes have the following innate abilities:

Linked Abilities [ | ]

Linked abilities are learned automatically when their counterpart ability is learned and vice versa. It usually has its own ability slot and automatically levels up with its counterpart ability. They are different from toggleable abilities with different states (e.g. Berserker Berserker’s Rage ) and sub-abilities.

Charge-based Abilities [ | ]

Some abilities (both basic and ultimates) use an alternative cooldown system based on charges and a replenish time, with each ability cast consuming one of its charges.

1 Requires Talent talent. 2a Requires Aghanim Aghanim’s Scepter . 2b Requires Aghanim Aghanim’s Shard .

Transformation Abilities [ | ]

Transformation abilities generally change the hero’s form while providing other stat bonuses, created illusions can benefit from the hero’s current state with the remaining duration of the transformation buff. These abilities have a transformation time. Certain abilities may modify the hero’s attack range (Melee melee and Ranged ranged) properties or other stats.

For Spell Steal icon Spell Steal and Ability Draft Notes Ability Draft, multiple transformation abilities’ bonuses and reductions fully stack with each other:

  • All attack damage bonuses.
  • All movement speed effects (e.g. Shapeshift iconShapeshifthaste).
  • All attack modifiers.
  • All health, mana (and regenerations) altering effects.
  • Attack range definitions and notes fully apply.
  • Items that use different values for Meleemelee and Rangedranged heroes (e.g. Manta Style iconManta Style ) to now treat the caster’s ranged type based on the ability notes.

Ability Types [ | ]

An ability’s type refers to how that ability’s effects are applied.

For abilities listed by their ability and targeting type, see here.

Active [ | ]

Active abilities must be used in order to apply their effects. Active abilities can consume mana, have cooldowns, and usually have some method of targeting related to them. The majority of abilities are active abilities. They can be activated by pressing their associated Hotkey .

If an ability can target the caster, ↓↓ Double-tapping the Hotkey causes them to activate immediately on the caster.

Active abilities are indicated by a bevel around the icon, which makes them look like a button. When an ability gets used and enters its cast animation, the bevel turns green and the icon shifts, looking like a pressed button. When selecting a targeted ability, the icon and the bevel appear brighter until the ability gets deselected or the cast begins. Active abilities also have a hotkey displayed at the top left corner.

  • Examples of active abilities are Weaver minimap iconWeaver ‘s Shukuchi iconShukuchi , Ursa minimap iconUrsa ‘s Overpower iconOverpower , and Necrophos minimap iconNecrophos ‘s ReaperReaper’s Scythe .

Passive [ | ]

Ability border passive

Passive abilities apply their effects either permanently as soon as they are learned, or activate by themselves if the ability is learned and its requirements met. These requirements can range from attacking a unit, casting a spell or even getting attacked. Most passive abilities do not consume mana and usually do not have cooldowns, exceptions include Wraith King minimap icon Wraith King ‘s Reincarnation icon Reincarnation . Most heroes have at least one passive ability, though not all do.

Passive abilities do not have a bevel and look like they are pressed into the hud. Since passive abilities cannot be used manually, their appearance never changes. Passive abilities only have an icon displayed upon learning.

  • Examples of passive abilities are Wraith King minimap iconWraith King ‘s Reincarnation iconReincarnation , Crystal Maiden minimap iconCrystal Maiden ‘s Arcane Aura iconArcane Aura , and Drow Ranger minimap iconDrow Ranger ‘s Marksmanship iconMarksmanship .

Autocast [ | ]

Autocast abilities are special active abilities that can be toggled on or off, or manually cast.

Disables such as silences and stuns do not prevent a unit from toggling its autocast abilities on or off. However, autocast abilities cannot be used when silenced as with all other spells. Most auto-castable spells are active attack modifiers, applying a modification to the user’s attacks when activated. When toggled on, the ability will apply whenever possible. For example, Drow Ranger minimap icon Drow Ranger ‘s Frost Arrows icon Frost Arrows will be used whenever she attacks a target. When toggled off, they will not be used and will not consume mana. When an active attack modifier is manually cast, it is partially treated as a spell cast instead of as an attack. This causes nearby enemy creeps to not aggro when using them that way. This is also known as orb walking.

Not all abilities with autocast are attack modifiers. A few of them are regular abilities, which, when toggled on, will automatically be cast when their requirements are met. An example of such is Ogre Magi minimap icon Ogre Magi ‘s Bloodlust icon Bloodlust . When toggled on, Ogre Magi will automatically cast Bloodlust on nearby allied heroes.

Devour icon Devour is similar, but a special case, as toggling it on does not make Doom minimap icon Doom autocast Devour. Instead, the toggle state determines whether Doom will copy the target neutral creep’s abilities or not. When toggled off, Doom does not acquire new neutral creep spells. When toggled on, he does.

Auto-castable abilities have almost the same appearance as regular active abilities. They also have a bevel which turns white when selected and green when casting. However, they do not turn green for attack modifiers. On top of that, they have a thicker second bevel behind the first bevel. This one glows orange when the ability gets set to autocast.

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